About 3 years after purchasing Gerald Printing in Scottsville, Kentucky, Joe Davis conducted a market study which showed that only 5% of the company’s sales were in Allen County and about 65% of the sales originated from Warren County. About 15% of sales related to art reproductions and related artist marketing materials outside of Allen County; however, the art printing market was starting to change. Artists were moving to digital print on demand versus printing a larger quantity to inventory. The center of the Gerald Printing marketplace was definitely Bowling Green and customers were expecting shorter turnaround times.
On April 30, 1999, Gerald Printing purchased Thomas Printing Company in Bowling Green and established an office at 628 State Street. Kelley Printing was then purchased on September 16, 1999 and merged into this same location. Joe Davis learned commercial lots owned by John Bandy were available in the Bowling Green Industrial Park on Scottsville Road just south of I-65 Exit 22. When Joe inquired about the property, John offered to sell his 24,000 square foot mattress manufacturing plant at 105 Hunter Court and they signed a Letter of Intent on November 29, 1999. In May of 2000, the main printing plant in Scottsville and the State Street office were consolidated into the new location.